cookbook 'fpm-tng', '~> 0.1.7'
fpm-tng (6) Versions 0.1.7 Follow3
FPM for Chef
cookbook 'fpm-tng', '~> 0.1.7', :supermarket
knife supermarket install fpm-tng
knife supermarket download fpm-tng
The next generation of effing package management on Chef.
This cookbook installs fpm to a given Ruby. It also provides
some useful LWRPs to help build packages in a Chef friendly
Builds a package using fpm. All options available via fpm --help
are available as attributes within the LWRP. Dashes are simply
replaced with underscores. For example, lets build a rails gem:
fpm_tng_package 'rails' do input_type 'gem' output_type 'deb' version '3.2.6' input_args 'rails' end
Most times gems will requre dependencies. These can be autobuilt:
fpm_tng_gemdeps 'rails' do
version '3.2.6'
- default[:fpm_tng][:install][:gems] = %w(fpm)
- default[:fpm_tng][:install][:packages] = []
- default[:fpm_tng][:build_dir] = '/opt/fpm-build'
- default[:fpm_tng][:package_dir] = '/opt/fpm-pkgs'
- default[:fpm_tng][:exec] = File.join(node.languages.ruby.bin_dir, 'fpm')
- default[:fpm_tng][:gem] = node.languages.ruby.gem_bin
- Repository:
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
Collaborator Number Metric
0.1.7 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
0.1.7 failed this metric
Contributing File Metric
0.1.7 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
0.1.7 failed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.7 failed this metric
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:9
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:10
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:11
FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: fpm-tng/providers/gemdeps.rb:52
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: fpm-tng/providers/package.rb:78
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
0.1.7 failed this metric
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:10
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:11
FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: fpm-tng/metadata.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: fpm-tng/providers/gemdeps.rb:52
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: fpm-tng/providers/package.rb:78
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.1.7 passed this metric
0.1.7 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.1.7 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
0.1.7 failed this metric
Version Tag Metric
0.1.7 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.1.7 failed this metric