Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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3700 Cookbooks RSS

  • atom 1.0.10

    50% Updated May 6, 2024

    Installs/Configures the Atom text editor - a hackable editor based on Electron, maintained by GitHub

    cookbook 'atom', '~> 1.0.10'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • mac_os_x >= 0.0.0
    • windows >= 0.0.0
  • atomic 0.1.0

    17% Updated June 22, 2015

    Provides resources for bootstrapping Atomic Masters and Minions

    cookbook 'atomic', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • atop 1.0.3

    17% Updated April 17, 2019

    Installs/Configures atop

    cookbook 'atop', '~> 1.0.3'
    Supported Platforms
  • attrbagger 0.2.1

    17% Updated September 3, 2013

    Gets attributes from data bags.

    cookbook 'attrbagger', '~> 0.2.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • attribute-validator 0.3.5

    0% Updated October 14, 2015

    Enforces attribute validation rules using the chef-attribute-validator gem.

    cookbook 'attribute-validator', '~> 0.3.5'
    Supported Platforms
  • audit 9.5.0

    33% Updated July 28, 2020

    Allows for fetching and executing compliance profiles, and reporting their results

    cookbook 'audit', '~> 9.5.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • windows >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • opensuse >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • aix >= 0.0.0
    • opensuseleap >= 0.0.0
  • audit_artifactory 0.4.1

    33% Updated June 22, 2020

    Downloads profiles from Artifactory to use with the Audit cookbook

    cookbook 'audit_artifactory', '~> 0.4.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • auditbeat 0.0.2

    17% Updated August 29, 2017

    Installs/Configures Elastic Auditbeat

    cookbook 'auditbeat', '~> 0.0.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • windows >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • audit-cis 0.4.0

    17% Updated December 15, 2015

    Chef audit-mode controls for CIS Benchmarks

    cookbook 'audit-cis', '~> 0.4.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • auditd 2.4.0

    33% Updated March 6, 2020

    Installs/Configures auditd

    cookbook 'auditd', '~> 2.4.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
  • audit_time_window 0.1.0

    17% Updated February 6, 2020

    Manages restricting InSpec profiles via the audit cookbook to a time window

    cookbook 'audit_time_window', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • aufs 0.1.1

    17% Updated March 30, 2014

    Installs/Configures AUFS

    cookbook 'aufs', '~> 0.1.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 12.04
  • augeas 0.5.6

    33% Updated April 20, 2021

    Installs/Configures augeas

    cookbook 'augeas', '~> 0.5.6'
    Supported Platforms
    • freebsd >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • authbind 0.1.10

    17% Updated September 20, 2014

    Installs/Configures authbind and defines resources for managing authorization

    cookbook 'authbind', '~> 0.1.10'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • authconfig 2.0.1

    33% Updated March 22, 2017

    Configures authconfig

    cookbook 'authconfig', '~> 2.0.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • autoetchosts 0.0.1

    17% Updated November 7, 2011

    Installs/Configures autoetchosts

    cookbook 'autoetchosts', '~> 0.0.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • autofs 3.0.8

    50% Updated May 6, 2024

    Installs/Configures autofs Server

    cookbook 'autofs', '~> 3.0.8'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
  • autohotkey 0.1.2

    33% Updated November 5, 2015

    Installs/Configures autohotkey

    cookbook 'autohotkey', '~> 0.1.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • windows >= 0.0.0
  • automatic_updates 0.2.0

    17% Updated May 27, 2016

    Installs/Configures automatic_updates

    cookbook 'automatic_updates', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • automount 0.2.3

    17% Updated December 15, 2016

    Installs/Configures automount

    cookbook 'automount', '~> 0.2.3'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0