Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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3700 Cookbooks RSS

  • reveal-md 0.1.1

    33% Updated March 4, 2016

    Sets everything you need up for reveal-md

    cookbook 'reveal-md', '~> 0.1.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 14.04
  • rhel 0.1.0

    17% Updated February 4, 2015

    Installs/Configures rhel subscription manager

    cookbook 'rhel', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • rhel >= 7.0
  • rhn 0.3.3

    17% Updated March 9, 2016

    Registers node with RHN

    cookbook 'rhn', '~> 0.3.3'
    Supported Platforms
    • redhat >= 5.0
  • rhn-channels 2.0.0

    33% Updated April 29, 2015

    Manages channel subscriptions to RHN satellite network.

    cookbook 'rhn-channels', '~> 2.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • redhat >= 5.0
  • rhsm 1.0.0

    33% Updated September 30, 2014

    Provides recipes to manage registration using RedHat Subscription Manager

    cookbook 'rhsm', '~> 1.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • riak 3.1.4

    33% Updated April 4, 2017

    Installs and configures Riak distributed data store

    cookbook 'riak', '~> 3.1.4'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • freebsd >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • riak-cluster 0.2.1

    33% Updated July 27, 2015

    Installs/Configures riak-cluster

    cookbook 'riak-cluster', '~> 0.2.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • riak-cs 2.2.11

    17% Updated February 11, 2015

    Installs and configures Riak CS

    cookbook 'riak-cs', '~> 2.2.11'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • riemann2 0.3.7

    0% Updated October 5, 2015

    Installs/Configures riemann, riemann-dash and rienann-tools

    cookbook 'riemann2', '~> 0.3.7'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • riemann_tools 0.2.0

    50% Updated October 29, 2018

    Allows you to configure the riemann tools gem as individual services.

    cookbook 'riemann_tools', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • rightscale 0.1.1

    17% Updated October 16, 2013

    Installs/Configures a Rightscale Server node.

    cookbook 'rightscale', '~> 0.1.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • rightscale_backup 2.0.0

    33% Updated March 13, 2017

    Provides a resource to manage volume backups on any cloud RightScale supports.

    cookbook 'rightscale_backup', '~> 2.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • rightscale_tag 2.0.1

    33% Updated March 7, 2017

    Provides LWRPs and helper methods for building 3-tier applications using machine tags in RightScale

    cookbook 'rightscale_tag', '~> 2.0.1'
    Supported Platforms
  • rightscale_volume 2.0.0

    33% Updated March 13, 2017

    Provides a resource to manage volumes on any cloud RightScale supports.

    cookbook 'rightscale_volume', '~> 2.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • riot_mysql 1.2.8

    17% Updated July 28, 2012

    Installs and configures mysql for client or server

    cookbook 'riot_mysql', '~> 1.2.8'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • freebsd >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • mac_os_x >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • windows >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • rippled 0.5.0

    17% Updated March 1, 2016

    Compiles, installs and configures rippled, a ripple network daemon

    cookbook 'rippled', '~> 0.5.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 14.04
  • rkhunter 0.2.5

    17% Updated June 23, 2015

    Installs/Configures rkhunter

    cookbook 'rkhunter', '~> 0.2.5'
    Supported Platforms
  • rkt 0.2.0

    0% Updated July 14, 2016

    This cookbook allows management of coreos rkt

    cookbook 'rkt', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 14.04
    • redhat >= 7.2
    • centos >= 7.2
    • scientific >= 7.2
    • oracle >= 7.2
    • debian >= 8.4
  • rngd-tools 1.3.0

    17% Updated September 17, 2015

    Installs/Configures rng-tools

    cookbook 'rngd-tools', '~> 1.3.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • robot 0.1.1

    33% Updated May 13, 2012

    Installs/Configures robot framework

    cookbook 'robot', '~> 0.1.1'
    Supported Platforms