Installs/Configures AWS Cloudwatch Logs
cookbook 'cloudwatch_logs', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs and configures AWS CloudWatch Logs
cookbook 'cloudwatch-logs', '~> 0.0.7'
cloudwatch_monitoring installs the Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux - custom metrics that reports memory, swap, and disk space utilization metrics.
cookbook 'cloudwatch_monitoring', '~> 1.2.0'
Cloudwatch-monitoring: The Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux - custom metrics that reports memory, swap, and disk space utilization metrics.
cookbook 'cloudwatch-monitoring', '~> 1.1.0'
Installs/Configures Severalnines Clustercontrol
cookbook 'clustercontrol', '~> 2.0.3'
Library to help searching cluster nodes in Chef cookbooks
cookbook 'cluster-search', '~> 1.6.0'
Install cmake
cookbook 'cmake', '~> 0.3.0'
Installs cmake
cookbook 'cmake-bin', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs and configures ClusterControl controller and agents
cookbook 'cmon', '~> 0.5.0'
Installs/Configures cobbler
cookbook 'cobbler', '~> 0.2.0'
Installs/Configures cobbler
cookbook 'cobblerd', '~> 0.1.0'
Manages local alternative root recovery passwords
cookbook 'cobbpass', '~> 1.0.3'
Installs/Configures cockpit
cookbook 'cockpit', '~> 0.4.1'
Installs Cockpit
cookbook 'cockpit_install', '~> 0.4.4'
Cookbook used to install and configure cockroachdb
cookbook 'cockroachdb-platform', '~> 1.5.1'
Installs/Configures co-cloudmonkey
cookbook 'co-cloudmonkey', '~> 0.3.1'
Installs Amazon CodeDeploy agent
cookbook 'code_deploy', '~> 1.0.3'
Installs/Configures codestriker
cookbook 'codestriker', '~> 0.2.0'
Java Delivery cookbook
cookbook 'coffee-truck', '~> 1.7.1'
Installs and configures the collectd monitoring daemon.
cookbook 'collectd', '~> 2.2.4'