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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

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Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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3700 Cookbooks RSS

  • L7-rsyncd 1.0.3

    17% Updated August 23, 2016

    Installs/Configures rsyncd

    cookbook 'L7-rsyncd', '~> 1.0.3'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 12.04
    • debian >= 7.0
  • L7-sysctl 0.1.14

    17% Updated April 4, 2019

    Configures sysctl parameters

    cookbook 'L7-sysctl', '~> 0.1.14'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 12.04
    • debian >= 7.0
  • L7-sysfs 0.0.10

    17% Updated April 4, 2019

    Configures sysfs

    cookbook 'L7-sysfs', '~> 0.0.10'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 12.04
    • debian >= 7.0
  • L7-zabbix 1.0.20

    0% Updated August 12, 2019

    Installs/Configures zabbix, automatic client registration

    cookbook 'L7-zabbix', '~> 1.0.20'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 7.0
    • ubuntu >= 14.04
  • lacework 0.0.5

    50% Updated October 24, 2019

    Installs and configures Lacework data collector

    cookbook 'lacework', '~> 0.0.5'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • lamp 1.0.4

    17% Updated April 22, 2016

    Installs/Configures lamp server

    cookbook 'lamp', '~> 1.0.4'
    Supported Platforms
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • lampp_platform 0.1.0

    33% Updated November 23, 2019

    Configures a web platform with Apache, PHP, and MariaDB or PostgreSQL

    cookbook 'lampp_platform', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • centos >= 7.0
    • redhat >= 7.0
    • oracle >= 7.0
    • debian >= 9.0
    • ubuntu >= 16.0
  • lamp_role 0.2.0

    17% Updated October 2, 2014

    Installs/Configures lamp_role

    cookbook 'lamp_role', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 13.10
  • lamp_stack 0.1.0

    17% Updated August 9, 2016

    Installs/Configures lamp_stack

    cookbook 'lamp_stack', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
  • laravel 1.0.0

    17% Updated February 4, 2014

    Installs and configures Laravel and additional modules

    cookbook 'laravel', '~> 1.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • laravel-artisan 1.0.2

    50% Updated October 20, 2019

    Run laravel's artisan commands

    cookbook 'laravel-artisan', '~> 1.0.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu = 16.04
  • lastrun_handler 0.1.0

    17% Updated January 2, 2016

    Installs and enables lastrun chef_handler.

    cookbook 'lastrun_handler', '~> 0.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • ldap 1.1.0

    17% Updated May 24, 2016

    Provides generic lightweight resources for managing LDAP objects

    cookbook 'ldap', '~> 1.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
  • ldap2zone 0.1.3

    17% Updated February 17, 2015

    Installs/Configures ldap2zone

    cookbook 'ldap2zone', '~> 0.1.3'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • ldapjs_crowd_server 0.1.1

    17% Updated December 10, 2015

    Deploy a ldapjs-crowd-server service

    cookbook 'ldapjs_crowd_server', '~> 0.1.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • ldapknife 0.0.22

    17% Updated July 20, 2013

    Installs to /usr/local/bin

    cookbook 'ldapknife', '~> 0.0.22'
    Supported Platforms
  • learn_chef_apache2 0.3.0

    17% Updated March 23, 2016

    Installs and configures package apache2 and sets a basic home page.

    cookbook 'learn_chef_apache2', '~> 0.3.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • learn_chef_httpd 0.2.0

    17% Updated March 19, 2015

    Installs and configures package httpd and sets a basic home page.

    cookbook 'learn_chef_httpd', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • learn_chef_iis 0.2.1

    17% Updated January 20, 2016

    Installs and configures IIS, the W3SVC, and sets a basic home page.

    cookbook 'learn_chef_iis', '~> 0.2.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • windows >= 0.0.0
  • le-certbot 0.7.0

    17% Updated February 22, 2018

    Manages certbot installation, Let's Encrypt certificates, and certbot renew scripts

    cookbook 'le-certbot', '~> 0.7.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0